Dwain M. Desbien
Dwain Desbien, co-PI/PD, has been a TYC physics instructor for the past 14 years. It was participation in the Two-Year College Physics Workshop Project that encouraged him to pursue his Ph.D. in physics education research. Dr. Desbien has built successful physics programs at two very different community colleges (one was a Title III institution the other a Title V institution). In his current position he was hired to begin the physics program at Estrella Mountain Community College and has received national recognition for that development. The physics program at Estrella Mountain Community College (EMCC) was one of the ten exemplary TYC physics programs visited as part of the SPIN-UP/TYC project. A Case Study was written about the EMCC physics program. He currently is the division chair for the Science and Mathematics division at Estrella Mountain Community College.
Dr. Desbien’s primary research interest is in classroom management issues in physics classrooms. This includes how to effectively use technology in the classroom. Dr. Desbien has led 3 two-week workshops on modeling for College/University Faculty at Arizona State University as part of the modeling physics project. He has co-led two workshops for HS/TYC instructors as part of previous ATE grants and hosted another. In addition Dr. Desbien has presented workshops on modeling/classroom management at the TSAAPT, Arizona Section of the AAPT, and national meetings of the AAPT. Dr. Desbien has presented over 15 papers at AAPT meetings with 8 being invited. He has been the president of the Arizona Section of AAPT and is currently serving on the AAPT’s TYC and nomination committees.
In addition to his research on classroom management Dr. Desbien is active in promoting assessment in physics education. Dr. Desbien has co-led workshops at AAPT meetings on assessment for the previous three years. Dr. Desbien also has experience in developing and field-testing assessment instruments.
Dr. Desbien currently serves on the executive board of the American Association of Physics Teachers as the representative from TYCs.